services menu on wheels section
Wheel Building
Professional Wheel Build
Wheel truing
internal nipples extra $40
Front And Rear Hub Advanced Service
Professional hub service front and rear with Freebody service include
Tire or Tube change
Any size and type of clinker tires or tube change we checked the rim tape
Tire Tubeless set up
We tape the rim and use ecofriendly sealant.
Tire Tubular Installation
We Clean the rim and use best glue
Ebike Tire Tube change with motor hub
Hub Motor tube or tire change
Drive Train Services Menu
Just the job bike need
Gear Tune with drive train degresed
If we need to change the cables or extras we might call for quote
Gear Tune Electronic
Include micro adjustment and firmware update if we need to replace wires or extras we might call for quote
Bottom Bracket Service
Service or replace Bottom Bracket
Ultrasonic cleaner and wax the chain
Give more life to your chain !
We degreaser with ultrasonic cleaner and we wax with our secret formula . Improve the life three times of normal chain lube .
Brakes Services Menu
Just the job bike need
Brakes Tune basic
If we need to change the cables or extras we might call for quote
Disc Brake Service and Tune
Disc Brake bleed lines tuning or replace pads and straight disc
Cables change basic
Basic caliper external cables
Cables change Internal
per each line brakes or gears or electronic wire
Professional Custom build or Jobs by Hours
Just the professional ob bike need
Basic Bike Build
When you buy the bike online we will build for you
Custom Bike Build
From frame to complete bike, free tune up complimentary
Custom Bike Build internal Cables
From frame to complete bike, free tune up complimentary
A la carte yoprtyour need by hour
We can quote the specific job